Monday, October 29, 2012

Space bound

I love that song by Eminem space bound. Every time I hear that song I think of all the times me and my ex listen to that song. We both loved that song. I always told her that she was my moon and I was her rocket ship that was aiming for her heart. Now my ship has lost its way and the night sky that once was filled with the light of her love has gone dark. I cant bring my self to listen to that song, and when I see the moon I am reminded of the love that once light up my night sky.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How a heart break feels

This one is a little different form the rest. Just some thoughts that are in my head.

I use hate it when people would get so tore up over a break up. I use to think why are you so upset that he/she left your probably better off without that person anyway. I would tell them that everything happens for a reason you'll be fine just give it time and soon you'll be glad that person left. I never got that tore up over a break up. It was easy for me to move on probably cause I never was that attached to the person I was dating. But then I fell head over heals for a girl I seriously wanted to marry. Then when she left me it was like my whole world ended. I was depressed. Maybe more upset then the people that I use to get upset with then they were heart broke. Now I can't stand when someone tells me the very things I use to tell them. Maybe I needed this heart ache to realize just how much pain my friends were in when they were on then wrong end of a break up. Maybe I needed to know what it's like when someone you care a lot about leaves and moves on like nothing ever happened. I don't know. But now I know that when a heart hurts its like nothing else. I would rather loose an arm then go through this kind of pain again. I know some day I'll look back and realize it was all for my own good and I'm sure i will be a better person for it. I just thought to myself. Know I know how a heart break feels.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012



Things have changed since the last time I saw you. But one thing remains the same. I'm not the same as I once was I have changed. Some good and some bad, but one thing remains the same. I have lost so much and gained a lot. But one thing is still the same. I had it all then lost more than I new. Lost control and gained a new point of view. But still one thing remains the same. I will never see you hold you kiss you or talk to you. But no matter what one thing will remain the same. My love for you will never change!! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Just one wish

Just one wish
If I had one wish
I would wish for one last kiss
If I could go back in time
I would go back to the day I meet you
If I could take back one thing
I would take back all the pain 
If I could relive one day
I would relive the day I fell in love with you
If I had to do it all again 
I would do it better this time
If I could say one thing
I would say I love you
If I could give one last thing
I would give you a ring
If given the chance to love you aging
I would say I still do
But if I had just one wish
I would wish to be with you

Friday, October 12, 2012


This is the letter I want to send you
when I say I want you back
I say I still love you I need you miss you and don't want to be without you
This is the letter when I say I was wrong. Wrong for letting you leave wrong for the pain I caused you wrong the words I said and the ones I didn't
This is the letter that I pray makes you come back love me aging long for me want me again
This is the letter I will never send
You will never read these words my heart cried through this pen
You will never know how bad I miss you how much I love you need you
This is the letter that will remain Unread