Thursday, October 18, 2012

How a heart break feels

This one is a little different form the rest. Just some thoughts that are in my head.

I use hate it when people would get so tore up over a break up. I use to think why are you so upset that he/she left your probably better off without that person anyway. I would tell them that everything happens for a reason you'll be fine just give it time and soon you'll be glad that person left. I never got that tore up over a break up. It was easy for me to move on probably cause I never was that attached to the person I was dating. But then I fell head over heals for a girl I seriously wanted to marry. Then when she left me it was like my whole world ended. I was depressed. Maybe more upset then the people that I use to get upset with then they were heart broke. Now I can't stand when someone tells me the very things I use to tell them. Maybe I needed this heart ache to realize just how much pain my friends were in when they were on then wrong end of a break up. Maybe I needed to know what it's like when someone you care a lot about leaves and moves on like nothing ever happened. I don't know. But now I know that when a heart hurts its like nothing else. I would rather loose an arm then go through this kind of pain again. I know some day I'll look back and realize it was all for my own good and I'm sure i will be a better person for it. I just thought to myself. Know I know how a heart break feels.

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